Simulator Leagues
3 Indoor Simulators
- November 18th—March 2nd
- 4 Person teams
- Play same day and time weekly
- 12 week league (9-holes per week)
- Handicaps adjusted weekly
- Optional Weekly Sweeps
- Par Points scoring
- 1 Practice Round included before league starts
- 2 Rounds included anytime during the Winter
Cost: $350.00 per person
($300 for simulator time, $50 for prizes)
** Team must be paid in full by before week 1**

2-Person League
- 2-Person league – $150/person total – $100 for Simulator Time $50 for Prize Money
- Play FIVE 9-hole rounds + One 9-hole Practice round
- Can play at rounds at any time within the timeframe above
- Call Pro Shop to book tee time
- Formats will change weekly (could be best ball, aggregate, or scramble)
- Outdoor Handicaps will be used for first round, after round 1 we will re-calculate handicaps based on indoor scores for all rounds going forward.
**Please email Mike Mancari at if you have any questions**