Women’s Association

All women members are invited to join the Women’s Association.
Women’s Association dues support general expenses such as yearly plaque updates, trophies, prizes, snacks, and drinks for tournaments. A percentage of the Association dues are allocated towards each event. You are required to be a member of the Women’s Association to play in any Women’s event (this includes tournaments and special events such as birdie tree and ringers).
Women are not required to join the association in order to play in the Tuesday ladies league. As of 2014, ladies league is open to any ladies – member and non-member.

If you are new to the Women’s Association, we really look forward to meeting you and answering any questions or concerns you may have. Please direct any questions to wildwood.womens.association@gmail.com

The golf course will open for the season on Friday, March 14th, 2025 at 9 am. Please book your tee times online or call the golf shop. CART WILL BE AVAILABLE